Senior year has been so much fun and definitely the best year of my undergraduate experience. While it is the precursor to taking the next step in life and you are full of excitement, it is very hard to stay engaged and motivated. Since it is my senior year, I want to have fun and take advantage of opportunities and events with my friends, in clubs, extracurriculars, and all of the last chances I get to do something in college.

The first semester I had a hard time saying no to invitations. I always thought “it’s senior year!” However, I found out pretty soon that I could not balance everything I wanted to do and school. This is when events, activities, and outings became a reward again. Buckling down and realizing that you can not do everything is all about maturing your mindset, and this is essential for staying on track senior year. The planner that I have talked about in my previous posts had to be revisited. I used my planner to measure my goals. My goals were to just get all of my assignments done by Friday, and only allow myself to do school-related activities during the week. If I had any lingering assignments on Friday, I had to complete them before I let myself go out and do something. 

After spring break it was especially difficult to keep up with work since we had just gotten a taste of summer. However, this is also when things ramp up and you start thinking forwardly about your final projects, papers, group assignments, and even final exams. In order to keep up, you must stay organized, disciplined, and motivated to finish. This is the last leg of undergrad that you have to accomplish, so do not let all your hard work from the past four years go to waste!