Why Quitting is a Bad Idea

I’ve been fortunate to know many successful people. They come from all walks of life, many different cultures, backgrounds, and industries. Many of them report one particular similarity in their journeys to success. That similarity is that they faced a myriad of challenges and obstacles on their individual journey to success.

Some of the challenges were severe enough that they felt like quitting. Some of them say they had that feeling multiple times along the way. And yet, they managed to pull themselves up from the depths of despair and push their way forward.

They persevered.

That perseverance nearly always resulted in ultimate success. Many times that success was right around the corner from their lowest point in the journey. It was that one final extra push that put them over the top.

But there are also many people I’ve met who just couldn’t muster that final extra push. Rather than persevere they packed it in. They quit. And then they wondered, sometimes for years, what might have been if they had continued on.

When you feel like quitting, it’s important to remember that setbacks are a natural part of any journey, and they don’t define your ultimate success. Here’s how to stay motivated and keep pushing forward.

Remember Your Why. Reconnect with the reasons why you started in the first place. What are your goals? What motivates you? Keeping your purpose in mind can reignite your passion and determination. Re-dream the dream. You began your journey based on a dream. Dream that dream anew…even if you have to dream it every day.

Break it Down. Sometimes, the journey ahead can seem overwhelming. Break your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. Focus on taking one step at a time, celebrating each small victory along the way. Never forget that all progress is progress. Even a tiny step is better than no step at all. Celebrate it!

Seek Support. Don’t be afraid to reach out to friends, family, mentors, or colleagues when you’re feeling discouraged. Talking to others can provide perspective, encouragement, and new ideas for overcoming obstacles. But, make sure you’re talking with the right people. Select people who truly care for you and want you to succeed. Stay away from the nattering nabobs of negativism.

Visualize Success. Imagine yourself achieving your goals. Visualizing success can help you stay focused and motivated, even when faced with challenges. Someone smarter than me once said if you can see it you can do it. I believe that is true.

Practice Self-Compassion. Be kind to yourself, especially when things aren’t going as planned. There will be plenty of things, and perhaps people, willing to beat you down. There is no need to add your own negative thoughts to the list. Instead, acknowledge your efforts and progress, and don’t be too hard on yourself for setbacks. Treat yourself with the same compassion you would offer a friend in a similar situation.

Adjust Your Approach. If what you’re doing isn’t working, it may be time to try a different approach. Stay flexible and open-minded, and be willing to adapt your strategy as needed. Sometimes, the fastest way forward is to take a step or two backwards in order to get a different perspective.

Focus on the Present. Instead of dwelling on past failures or worrying about future obstacles, focus on the present moment. What can you do right now to move closer to your goals? If you’re “stuck” then just consider what the next “right thing” to do is. No matter how small a thing it may be it’s still progress and it’s still creating momentum towards your ultimate goal.

Find Inspiration. Surround yourself with sources of inspiration, whether it’s reading success stories, listening to motivational Ted Talks, or spending time doing something fun. Draw strength from the achievements of others and let them inspire you to keep going.

Remember that It’s Okay to Rest. Sometimes, pushing through isn’t the best option. It’s important to listen to your body and mind. Taking a break to recharge can give you the energy and clarity you need to tackle challenges with renewed vigor.

By implementing these strategies and staying resilient, you can overcome obstacles and continue making progress towards your goals, even when the temptation to quit is strong.


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3 thoughts on “Why Quitting is a Bad Idea

  1. In my experience there are reasons for moving on. Those of us who are “fixers” have to know when to exit to another challenge. Many organizations need “us” to get them reorganized or to dig the organization out of a difficult situation.

    Know that organizations have a “status quo” that can stiffle creativity. When your passion for constructive change is extingushed, have your resume up to date.

    Internal and external “politics” can be a deterent to your principles. There are organizations that will need your skill sets.

    Word to the wise: “Keep your options open, network and retool the resume with specific examples of your “deliverables/


    1. Indeed there are often good reasons for moving on. But that is far different than quitting. Quitting means stoping what you’re doing and not starting again. Not changing direction, no longer having a direction. Not a change of goals, eliminating meaningful goals from your life. Quitting is a major major life decision and one that many people make without even realizing they have made it.

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