Coming into college I was unsure of what to expect in regards to time, part of me wholeheartedly thought that the only thing I would have time for in college was schoolwork. During pre-orientation (a first generation program at my college), I applied to two jobs on campus and found that it greatly benefited me. I was extremely anxious about time management, but found that allocating 10-15 hours a week towards work helped me stay on top of school. Having an on campus job provided me with the structure I had depended on in high school, and made the overall transition into college less overwhelming.

There are various on campus jobs, but one of my first jobs on campus was working as a library resource representative, where I helped students who were seeking peer tutoring resources. This job was amazing given that it was at a desk, and I had the opportunity to work on assignments when I wasn’t directly assisting someone. My second job was a work study job off campus where I worked at a local elementary school. I really enjoyed having the opportunity to work off campus because it helped me establish new connections, which ultimately transformed into a new network of support.

The job application process varies campus to campus, but typically jobs for the subsequent school year begin to interview during the spring semester. Be prepared to submit applications by February and watch for new postings, as more desirable jobs oftentimes rapidly fill up with applicants! I love utilizing the career center on my campus to review my resume and cover letters every semester to make sure my application materials are as strong as possible!