ADL Program, Advising, Goals, Leadership, Professional, Publication

Tell Others

Moving through the module 1-2 content in this my second to last ADL Program’s publishing course, I am encouraged to share my success stories. To consider what digital technology I have found success using that others would find valuable. I immediately panic! My innovation idea hasn’t been implemented. My innovation idea is constantly growing and evolving and morphing into something more! How in the world am I supposed to narrow down on a topic I can provide any contribution to my profession?

Deep breath. Find your passion (Nordic Business Forum, 2015 & The School of Life, 2013).

At the heart of the matter, I want to show advisors how helpful a portfolio resource would be to themselves, their students, and their students’ family members. So much of an advisor’s job is helping students navigate the foreign world of higher ed. Having a personally curated resource to share source material (policies and procedures) while breaking information down into bite-sized pieces.

In my advising experience, an ePortfolio allows me to link students to informational resources. While the information is available online, the language and context are rarely fully understood by students and parents. Becoming this navigator and resource was my personal passion when I was the frontline advisor. Now equipping my team with resources that can relieve them of information transfer while still serving as a resource to students is a very fulfilling concept that I could share with the world.


Nordic Business Forum. (2015, September 8). Sir Ken Robinson – How finding your passion changes everything: Part 2 | Nordic Business Forum 2014 [Video]. YouTube.

The School of Life. (2013, April 11). Ken Robinson on passion [Video]. YouTube.

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