ADL Program, Advising, Evolution, Goals, Growth, Influencer, Leadership, Learner's Mindset, Learning, Outcomes, Personal, Professional, Reflecting


Personal. Professional. Academic.


Man, it really does go so far in helping you work through your own thoughts and ideas. Just having someone ask you what is working, what could be better, and just check in to say, did you consider this? You may have overlooked that? Don’t forget you wanted to do this. I keep thinking of the WIG sessions for 4DX; what did you do to move the WIG, what are you committing to do in the next week to continue moving the WIG, what are you not meeting expectations, and how will you improve or compensate?

Academically, I’m feeling a bit out on an island, so I’m throwing out some feelers to see if I can rectify that. Professionally, my leaders are doing a great job holding their team members accountable. They are collaborating and seem to be moving toward healthy functioning teams. I am doing everything I can to be a supportive leader and teammate by asking for their feedback and ideas, genuinely appreciating their efforts, and hoping (thinking) that the workplace environment (morale) is improving.

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