ADL Journey, Capstone

Walking the Talk

Reflecting on the innovation plan update while collaborating with my classmates, I feel like the last two years have been about me preparing, researching, and developing the skills I need to help set the stage for my innovation. Yet, now it was time to start walking the talk.

talk the talk … walk the walk


You see, throughout the ADL Program, we have been learning and planning as we explore and develop our innovation project. I have talked A LOT about my innovation and the related components. But now, instead of just talking the talk, it was time for me to walk the talk! A slight modification of the idiom.

What does walking the talk look like in my life?

It means vulnerability. It is being raw and authentic. To change the world, it is time to be vulnerable. Vulnerability means sharing my innovation ideas with my team. Instead of the select few fellow advisors, I secretly whisper little tidbits of my innovation plans to see if they will be receptive to the idea. I have a few former colleagues and one current one who have seen pieces of my innovation plan. I do not know if they embraced a learner mindset and explored my resources, but this next step in being authentic and walking the team means sharing it boldly with others.

New role: It has been harder to share with others in my new leadership role.

As an advisor, I was just sharing an easier way to do things instead of potentially being “the know-it-all boss” who comes in to tell others how to do things. I want advisors to know that these innovation ideas are completely personally curated by them. Each advisor has choice, ownership, and voice in what they create to share with their learners. I want them to create a resource that supports their objectives and fulfills their purpose. I want to ask each one, “What do you want to make it?” I sincerely invite you to take my innovation idea and run with it. Let’s improve it. My innovation idea is all about collaborating, sharing, and giving one another feed-forward to continue improving our ideas and how we can reach our students.

Crucial Conversations are essential.

Nothing can work until people learn to talk to one another. While acknowledging that change is hard, isn’t life just a long series of trial-and-error opportunities? How do we know how best to fulfill our roles if we don’t evolve and continue to try new things? In order to do so, I have to help create a culture of safety that facilitates relationships to allow communication and innovation to flow among team members. This investment provides the foundation for fruitful collaboration as the team grows to trust one another. I must be observant and aware when the team is engaged in dialogue and when it is not. Committing to actively engage when dialogue stops cultivates accountability and changes the team dynamic so we can explore difficult ideas together. As we move forward together, we will influence each other to develop the most effective advising resource to serve a variety of learners.

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