ADL Journey, Capstone

What changes have there been?

In November 2022, I switched roles from being the advisor to multiple online graduate Education programs to being the Associate Director for the centralized advising center that serves incoming students to the university. Our primary focus is on freshman and sophomore students as we assist with onboarding them to the institution and their major/department. We determine each student’s college readiness course placement and math pathway. We facilitate support service referrals and explain procedures. Our team addresses probation and suspension issues. We facilitate referrals to career and major exploration services. The leading organizational change course could not have come at a more perfect time in my professional and program journey.

In my new role, I have only created one additional program section on my ePortfolio for one of the more challenging undergraduate majors. I still intend to expand the information and resources to include other majors and programs and more clearly designate my general information between graduate and undergraduate information to further expand my potential audience.

However, I have been working on our office culture and employee morale instead of expanding the innovation proposal. While I did not immediately make changes, I believe taking time to observe the day-to-day operation was an essential starting point. I am grateful that the action research I created for my innovation idea evaluates the highest impact areas we can target in our initial after a future revision of my implementation efforts.

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