How to Block Naysayers From Your Life

There was a Vice-President of the United States back in the late 1960’s or early 70’s who had a love hate relationship with the press. Okay, that’s not exactly accurate, it was more of a hate, hate, some more relationship but that’s not the point here. He called the media a bunch of “Nattering Nabobs of Negativism.” I have no idea as to whether or not that was an accurate description of the media back then but I think it’s a pretty funny line.

I also think it indeed accurately describes much of the media content, particularly the social media content we absorb today. The most successful people and, perhaps more importantly, the happiest people do not let negativity seep into their minds. They effectively block it out. That requires both discipline and intentionality. Here are some steps you can take to keep those nattering nabobs of negativism outta your head.

1. Identify the naysayers. Recognize the individuals in your life who consistently bring negativity, doubt, or pessimism into your interactions. Once you identify these people you may want to ask yourself why you allow them to be in your life.

2. Evaluate the impact. Reflect on how their presence affects your mental well-being, confidence, and goals. Consider whether their opinions hold value or are merely hindering your progress. Once you understand the damage these naysayers can do to your life you may want to ask yourself why you continue to allow them to be in your life.

3. Set boundaries. Establish clear boundaries with naysayers to limit their influence on your life. This might involve reducing the time you spend with them or minimizing the topics you discuss with them. It may also be a good time to determine whether or not they should be allowed into your life at all.

4. Surround yourself with positivity. Seek out supportive and encouraging individuals who uplift and inspire you. Surrounding yourself with positive influences can counteract the negativity from naysayers.

5. Practice assertiveness. Communicate your boundaries assertively but respectfully. Let naysayers know that you appreciate their perspective. However, you prefer to focus on constructive and optimistic discussions. This might be a great time to ask yourself why you are so pleasant and accommodating to people who perhaps shouldn’t be in your life at all.

6. Stay focused on your goals. Keep your attention on your goals and aspirations, regardless of the negativity others may project onto you. Remind yourself of your strengths and capabilities, and don’t let the doubts of naysayers derail your progress. Remember, their opinion of your goals and aspirations are their problem, not yours.

7. Cultivate self-confidence. Build it by acknowledging your achievements, learning from setbacks, and developing a positive mindset. Confidence acts as a shield against the negativity of naysayers.

8. Limit exposure to naysayers. Avoid certain social gatherings or conversations where their negativity prevails. Never never never join in the negativity just to get along. Negativity is contagious, keep your distance whenever possible.

9. Seek support. Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors. They should believe in you and your abilities. Lean on them for encouragement and guidance when facing challenges or doubts.

10. Practice self-care. Take care of your mental and emotional well-being by engaging in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and fulfillment. Prioritize self-care to maintain resilience in the face of negativity.

There will always be times when we are forced to interact with nattering nabobs of negativism. But being forced to interact does mean mean we’re forced to absorb the negativity. Remember your personal greatness and ability to overcome any challenge. Positivity is choice and it’s one of the most important choices you can make. So make it often, very very often.

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