Action Research, ADL Program, Learner's Mindset, Learning, Reflecting

Personal Empowerment

Working my way through Craig Mertler’s book Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators, I decided to jump online and see what I could find to better wrap my mind around the concept. A few of my favorite quotes, as related to the ADL program, are found below.

“Gathering evidence of the effectiveness with which this new strategy works for us also empowers us to make our lives better. We’re not waiting for someone else to tell us if the learning that they imposed on us works. We’re in charge of that part of the process, as well” (TEDx Talks, 2019, 3:45).

“Finally, I think reflecting on this entire process of identifying something that we want to change, finding a different way of doing it, and then trying it out. Gathering evidence of the effectiveness but then making a plan for where we go next. is this the solution, or do we need to keep looking. All of this empowers us to make our lives better” (TEDx Talks, 2019, 4:08).

“Using this idea of personal empowerment in a continuous improvement manner, the idea that we use this every day as a mechanism to find little ways to improve our lives and make us better people” (TEDx Talks, 2019, 8:38).

“Empower ourselves to take control over our own learning” (TEDx Talks, 2019, 9:28).


TEDx Talks. (2019, March 20). Personal empowerment through reflection and learning | Dr. Craig Mertler | TEDxLakelandUniversity [Video]. YouTube.

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